Saturday, January 5, 2019


Global context of HRM

Today the Globalization is a process of integrating people, companies and social in a worldwide without having any boundaries. all are getting in to the common platform which is more integrated & interdependent. Even the companies & business grown up with internationally to have competitive positioning, extend their product cycle, market behaviors, secure key supplies etc.

Based on this rapid change in the world, the term of Human Resource Management came as a universal term which is needed for any of organizations or countries. In this current world phase, Global context of HRM is playing a vital role & it’s being touched in a huge scope in HR in worldwide.

International Human resource management is about the process of managing people in an international setting. This is crossing the international boundaries by the multinational companies. This will apply HR management concepts, Processes & techniques in a multinational environment.

International HRM is mainly focusing on the broad range of HRM activities, Greater involvement of HR manager in the personal life of employees. 
Even the Global HR role need to have special focus on the employee specific knowledge and their relevant skills & attitudes. 

There are 4 major activities are aligned with the IHRM such as Training & Development , Recruitment & Selection , Compensation & Return of expatriates.

(David & Mila, 1947)
Essential of IHRM - Managing people Globally

Specific competencies need to aligned when having Global HR application when dealing with different countries & cultures & to have smooth functioning on the chain & to over come the challenges,

  • International HR responsibilities
  • Establish HR policies 
  • Training & Development plans to have global talent pool which multi tasking to achieve organizational goals
  • Attracting people with the work life balancing & satisfying workforce to have maximum involvement for the goals.
  • Designs organizational structures & strategies
  • Implement performance matrix 

There are main 3 processes are creating the Global HR (Brewster, et al., 2005)

  • ·         Talent management & Employee branding
  • ·         International assignment management
  • ·         Managing an international workforce

Areas of Global HR policies and practices are,

  • ·         Sustain Global Performance standards
  • ·         Common evaluation for processes
  • ·         Common approach of rewards
  • ·         Development plan for senior managers
  • ·         Competency frame work
  • ·         Use of common performance management system

International HRM approaches,

  • Ethnocentric: key positions filled by nationals of parent company
  • Polycentric: host country nationals recruited to manage subsidiary in their own country
  • Geocentric: best people recruited, whatever their nationality
  • Regiocentric: best people recruited within region in which the subsidiary operates

In the other side of Global HR, it’s really challenging to the organizations to keep the same momentum & trend lines with the different environmental, cultural & workforce diversity.

When we focusing on to the current workforce , its engaged with different gender , values, age, characteristics , different religion background and educational.This diversity of each category creates more creativity , strategies and innovative steps to the organizations which is more influencing to the organizations competitiveness (Taylor, 2001)


B., S. & H., 2005. The International Journal of Human Resource. Towards a new model of globalizing HRM, p. 949–970.

D. & M., 1947. Essential of IHRM - Managing people Globally. s.l.:SAGE.

Taylor, 2001. Creating the multicultural organization - A strategy for capturing the power of diversity. 1 ed. s.l.:University of Michigan business school.

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