Sunday, January 6, 2019

Learning & Development

Employee Learning and Development is one of the most important areas of human resource management. It’s a process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. It improves the employee's performance on the current job and prepares them for an intended job. Development not only improves job performance but also brings about the growth of the personality. Individuals not only mature regarding their potential capacities but also become better individuals.

Effective L & D process will consistently focused on developing the character  of the people which is the foundation of every individual. In this complex and  competitive environment employee L & D involvement is extremely important for  organizational excellence or even for survival. 

Today many successful organizations  commit a substantial amount of resources for learning & development.
High performing organizations today are recognizing the need to use best learning & development strategies to enhance their competitive advantage. Out of that training and development is an essential element of every business if the value and potential of its people is to be harnessed and grown. 

Career progression and development is an increasingly attractive or even basic requirement for many such employees. In today’s business climate where all industries are experiencing staff and skills shortages, companies are faced with stiff internal and external competition for quality employees. Each employer who invests seriously in the area of L&D  will reap the benefits of an enriched working environment with higher levels of staff retention as well as increased productivity and performance.

Learning & Development scope covers,

  • Develop learning solutions
  • Assess skills
  • Deliver learning journey


Identification of  L & D requirements,
  • Technical Skills
  • Competence development/soft skills
  • Technical and soft skill development for progression
  • Fast tracking for talent management and succession planning.

The selection process for the above skills will happen in 3 stages
  • Training needs analysis
  • Job based competency development
  • Unplanned training requirements

Learning & Development strategy

Learning and Development strategy is stands for Creating a learning culture which always encourage to for learning aspects and design is supporting to achieve the tasks by utilizing human capital advantage. Same time its need to grow and develop people to undertake the current and future tasks which requires by organization equipped with skills, knowledge and competence. 

Learning organization is a platform when people are expand their potential to meet the results their own effort and encouraged thinking as same as learning - practice as a team (Senge, 1990) 
Key strategies for creating a learning culture

  • Develop and share the organizational vision
  • Empower employees
  • Supportive culture
  • Guide employees
  • Use coaching techniques
  • Acting as role models
  • Encouraged networks
  • Align systems to vision

Top  challenges for L & D in the current context are,

  • Dealing with change
  • Developing leaders
  • Engaging learners
  • Delivering consistent training's
  • Skills applications
  • Conflict management
  • Assessment
  • Improving learning effectiveness


Senge, 1990. The art and practice of the learning organization,. London: s.n.

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