Friday, January 4, 2019

Performance Management 


Performance Management is one of the key HR function in which organizations used to get done the work from people effectively. It is the way how organizations communicate to the employees about their goals and objectives and do continues follow ups to make corrective actions, improvements and rewards. 
Performance defined as behavior that accomplished results. 

Performance means both behavior and results. Behaviors are produced by performer and transform it in to an action. Behaviors are also outcomes not only the results which is the mental and physical effort taken to accomplish the task. (Brumbach, 1988)

Behaviors that drive for achievements are more significant as same as the results obtain from it. 
As explained, it is an integration of both behavior and resultsTherefore, when monitoring and rewarding for performance both results and behavior need to be considered. 
Performance is the outcome of three determinants, 

·         Knowledge about facts and thing 
·         Know how to do things and availability of skills to do them 
·         Effort and motivation to achieve them 

(Armstrong, 2014)

As elaborated above, performance is a key term which drive business for their achievementTherefore, we need to be managed performance in more efficient and effective manner for better results. It is a management practice of getting better results by setting clear and agreed goals and objectives to be achieved in a given time frame and evaluate periodically and reward them accordingly. It involves in making aware everyone about their tasks to be achieved and way of completing those tasks. 

The purpose of performance management is to clarify how individuals are expected to contribute to the achievement of organization goals by aligning individual objectives with the strategic objectives of the organizations. (Armstrong, 2014)

Main aim of performance management is to enhance the capacity of people to meet the expectation of achieve the full potential by benefiting both individual and organization.  

                                              The performance management cycle (Armstrong, 2014)

Plan, Act, Monitor, Review is key steps of performance management system. All these four steps are crucial for any business to have an effective performance management system.

In today's context most of the organizations follow these steps in different scenarios .And also after the reviews rewarding for best results and take and suggest corrective measures for negative results are important for the effective performance management cycle .And also periodic reviews are essential rather evaluate them after completing their given time frame .In such cases only positive or negative results can be achieved .But if management can do  systematic periodic evaluations, corrective measures can be taken if there are any deviations took place and  motivate employees those who are on track in their given tasks for better results. This would be a winning situation for both organization as well as for the individual employee.  

In some reputed organizations performance management reviews are done in more effective manner. Reviews are carried out in every three months the results will be evaluate and monitored in Integrated Human Resource Management system. Goal settings will be conducted in early stage of the year and in each review following steps will be carried out. 

·         Self-Appraisal  
·         Manager Appraisal 
·         Agreed Assessment  

Self-Appraisal will enable to evaluate own performance by each individual and decide how well he or she performed. And then it will be sent to manager and he will do his appraisal and identify strengths, weaknesses, improvements and get ready to conduct agreed assessment. Agreed assessments are carried out by both employee and employer after conducting the discussion. 

As explained with this four elements of performance management, below areas will be covered in an agreed assessment. 

·         Agreement 
·         Feedback 
·         Positive reinforcement 
·         Dialogue 

Good personal development plans need to be created by identifying skills, opportunities and weaknesses by assessing to do best in the future and avoid past performance problems. 
Proper performance management can reward people by recognizing through feed backs and provide opportunities to achieve and develop skills and provide guidance on career ladder. 


Armstrong, 2014. Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 13 ed. s.l.:s.n.

Brumbach, 1988. Some ideas, issues and predictions about performance management. In: Public Personnel Management. Public Personnel Management ed. s.l.:s.n., p. 387–402.