Saturday, January 5, 2019

Strategic Employee Resourcing and Talent Management 

Strategic employee resourcing is a key part of human resource management, as it matches the human resource with the organizational requirements and ensure the full utilization of them (Armstrong, 2014)

It concerned with finding and retaining best fit for the organization who can cater for business requirements. Any organization can go for its achievements if its employees are best fit for their job roles. It ensures the company has the right people it need to achieve its business goals. The purpose of strategic resourcing is to match its resource capability which align with strategic capability of the firm. Mainly it focuses on recruiting and developing the more capable people than its competitors. Providing people and skills required to achieve business strategy would be crucial of employee resourcing.  
Selecting and recruiting a candidate would not be the resourcing but it would be selecting an employee with required skills and behaviors which determined by competency frameworks and profiles. 

Workforce Planning flowchart 

The recruitment and selection Process 

A.      Defining requirements 
B.      Attracting candidates 
C.      Sifting applications 
D.      Interviewing 
E.       Testing 
F.       Assessing candidates 
G.      Obtaining references 
H.      Checking applications 
I.         Offering employment 
J.        Follow up 

Above process would be effective if selections are based upon the role profiles and person specifications. Role profiles are describing the purpose of the role, its reporting relationships and key result areas and person specifications gives the requirement of knowledge, skills and abilities to carry out the job in effective manner. 

By considering above, all the steps of recruitment and selection need to be covered by identify and recruit best fit for the company.  

Employer Brand 

Set of intangible attributes and qualities that makes organizations distinctive, promise a particular kind of employment experience and appeal to people who perform and drive best in its culture (Walker, 2004)

This is the way of creating a brand name from the perspective of employees. The employee value proposition towards the company is expressed by employer brand. 

Talent Management 

It is the management practice to make available the talented workforce to achieve the company goals and objectives. It involves in making a talent pool which facilitate in succession planning, developing them coaching and mentoring them appropriately to make them ready for next levels. 

Talents are the sum of persons abilities and intrinsic gifts, skills, knowledge, experience, judgementattitudes, character and drive. It includes the ability to learn and grow (Michael, 2001)

Talent management is to identify talents and develop them and utilizing them in a more effective manner to achieve best results. Talent is required to complete the given tasks in job roles. Talent management is not for each individual but for employees those who have potential to make impact the organizations success. But when diversity is linked with talent management all individuals need to be best utilized and managed by ensuring all diversified talents are interlinked to achieve one common business objectives. Not only the high potentials but also all levels need to align with business strategies by managing their skills and capabilities in different manner. 

In organizations context we need to consider all employees as talented and need to identify high potential out of those capable employees to the next levels as future leaders. 

Talent Management Process 

Talent management is about employee development, succession planning by achieving strategic objectives of the organization. Talent pool is crucial to cater for any demand arise for opportunities. Talent management can be initiated with the identified high potential employees and then goes for leadership and management development programs which leads for succession management.


Armstrong, 2014. Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 13th ed. s.l.:s.n.

Michael, 2001. The War for Talent. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.

Walker, 2004. Talent: Strategy, management, measurement,, s.l.: CIPD.